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Kingdom Hearts Series (SPOILERS)

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Tunod Denrub:

--- Quote from: CyberKowasuno on March 29, 2006, 05:40:06 PM ---The strat guide for this game is FREAKING HUGE. It's an inch thick.

--- End quote ---

...that's awesome. XD

Also, having finally completed the prologue section, I have but one thing to say.

o/` Who wears short shorts? Sora wears short shorts! o/`

that prologue was freakin' long. took me about 3 hours to get through it. I'm almost at 10 hours right now tho, so ...yeah.

i also got the strat. guide for it too, limited edition even. though, from my experience, the only use i've gotten out of it are the maps and boss strageties. it could have easily been reduced the size about 25% by making more efficient use of space.

Yeah, there's alot of unused space in the strat guide. It's pretty, though. And rather spoiler-free...

Anyone else notice that Sora's new color-scheme is very similar to Riku's?

And I wonder if those shoes have that "new shoes" feel? :x

Well, I beat it. The ending was good. Now I have to try to get the secret ending.

EDIT OF NON DOUBLEPOSTAGE: Playing through again on proud mode. Thought it would be easier getting the secret ending this way, rather than fustrating myself trying to fill out the journal completely.

Tunod Denrub:
...Holy *CRAP* Sephiroth. He hands my ass to me on a silver platter with garnish and a side of mashed potatoes.

Does, uh. Anyone have any concrete strategies for beating him?


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