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Kingdom Hearts Series (SPOILERS)

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Tunod Denrub:
Das ist der topic for der Kingdom Hearts games. If you spoil KH2 before it is out in the US, or even major plot points *AFTER* it is out in the US, I crucify you. >.<

Anyway, um. I'm playing Chain of Memories right now. I finally beat Hook after like five tries and several disasters with quicksaves and me forgetting about them and such. My only world-card left is Holl... Holler... Holla... *cough* Hollow Bastion. Dangit, out of my head, Goofy.

Hook was the first boss to give me trouble since Hades, and he was allllll the way back on, like... floor 2? 3? Whatever the number of the second world you can go to is. Because I went Traverse Town -> Wonderland -> Coliseum. And Wonderland's been my second to last world card, so. My normal strategy's been basically a game of keepaway-and-outlast, which's worked great so far, but then I ran into Hook and he was way too aggressive with his high cards and his sleights. I had to go on a blitz of moogle room-raiding and retool my deck with like three times the sleights, plus an enemy card (Jafar's, to be specific.) I never use enemy cards. O_o

Anyway, um, yeah. KH, KH:CoM. Discuss, or somesuch.

I hated Hook in CoM. His high cards and sleights were evil, and the fact that the stage rocks back and forth didn't help either. I think in the end i put a bunch of 0's in my deck so i could break him and then hit him with my own sleight when he was open.

*Spoiler ahead*

KH2 is still going to suck...Possibly more than the first, which sucked a lot!

*end spoiler*

Tunod Denrub:

--- Quote from: Zamza on March 07, 2006, 08:00:36 PM ---*Spoiler ahead*

KH2 is still going to suck...Possibly more than the first, which sucked a lot!

*end spoiler*

--- End quote ---

Okay, Cyber, I know how protective you are of your dropkick rights, but dangit, he earned this one.




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