Gaming / Re: <3 WoW
« on: April 05, 2006, 04:21:49 PM »
Grats on getting your first pet!
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Gaming / Re: Guild Wars <3« on: April 01, 2006, 04:46:22 AM »
I have not played Guild wars honestly.
FFXI is a great game. Problem is EVERYONE is in your busness cause they feel if your not geared they way THEY want that thier LIFE (and exp) is in grave danger. Which pigenholes people into certain subjobs/gear. Also getting anything and I do mean ANYTHING done takes at least 5 others. And not just any 5 other people. You need the right classes. 4 monks and a blm (while dps would be great) wont get far. Sadly right before I quit FFXI I needed one peice of gear for my RDM. It literaly took a full raid group to get ME one peice of gear. If any other rdm wanted to get it also we would have to do the event twice. Very difficult to get anything done, and I was in a great ls. All that being said. If I were to only play one game ever again it would be FFXI. Just because you would need 20 years to get all the classes to level 75 and consider yourself done lol. Final thought: FFXI is a great game. The things I listed were minor greivances about it when I played. Literaly the good thing about it is how long the game lasts. Which in my opinion is keeping up with FF tradition. 3
Hey Just wanted to know how many people here fell in love with WoW and are now lifeless MC raiders
What side do you play and whats your top levels? I guess I will start. Alliance: 30 Paladin (Highest)((pve)) Horde: 60 resto druid (pve) 60 enhancement shaman (pve) 60 Disc/holy Priest (rppvp) ((Formerly a shadow priest for the melting of faces)) 42 um Stabby stab rogue (rppvp) As you can see I am hordie. Nothing against alliance at all just my rl friends choose horde. I talk with Ayasu about playing a Paladin all the time though lol. I love RP servers. Although I dont RP much. (Odd I know) And pvp servers make rping much more fun cause the opposite faction are kill on sight which sorta adds to the rp. Which means my fav servers are rppvp. I am a former FFXI player and had a 60 rdm. I joke when I play wow about haveing 4 level 60s. A druid, shaman, priest and redmage. If they go "Huh" I know they have not played FFXI before lol. Just wanted to know what everyones thought about cocai- er WoW
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