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January 07, 2023, 02:47:34 AM Seraya says: TUC IN TWENTY TWENTY THREE

March 26, 2017, 07:32:55 AM Senretsu says: I am sofa king wee todd ed

February 15, 2017, 08:10:20 PM Seraya says: One of us! One of us! We accept you, we accept you!

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Thinking with Portals
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:23:34 PM »
The first GIF I've used. If you don't count this one anyway at least. Usually we post in PNG, but sometimes we want something a bit more. And that portal would look odd if not for the wavy motion of it.

Of course, that portal is from Chrono Trigger as well. *bloop*

Ayasu's 'phone' is more than a phone as you can tell. Yeah, it has an old model, but anything smaller would have been hard to see or even know what you're looking at. And now we know it also control gundams, and opens portals without author powers.

I'd say it's worth the trade off of being a huge 90s phone  ;D

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Perspectives!
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:21:03 PM »
A slow comic overall, just there to have fun putting Gundams together in choregraphy. For what's possible with 4 panels anyway.

The fun part is making sure that X's head was on each of them, and sometimes had to work around the shoulders or the orientation of the head. Like the first one you can see most of the back of X's head, just putting the same head wouldn't work. Same with the last panel, where the head is opposite of the rest of the body due to the blow. It's all in the details sometimes.

Around this comic, Ayasu also made the comment that I was handling the perspective and backgrounds pretty well. More than some of the earlier works of TUC anyway. Still gotta work on the writing though, Ayasu's constantly spellchecking and proofreading to make sure I got everything down right, like what would characters say, or personality wise.

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This was Ayasu's idea. She would know all about handling her own Gundam, even without author powers.

Mind you, this *used* to be Cyber's Gundam, but you know.

The amusing part when making this strip was making the characters increasingly smaller to scale. Normal size we use is 200%. The first panel is 50%, and the last panels 25% of the original scale. If not for slight colors you'd barely be able to tell who they are anymore.

90's Cell Phones can summon giant robots. Also, remember this little ol' thing? :D

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Morphing Time!
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:25:57 PM »
Well, it *is* cool.

I realized only a bit after that the gundam's body almost had the same color scheme and general pose as X, making it just perfect in my book.

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - This won't end well
« on: February 19, 2016, 08:24:34 PM »
I said jinxed! Think X is going to take this sitting? (or standing awkwardly?) Everyone is rather surprised here, except Megaman, who's still half-passed out.

We didn't talk about it, but did you note the props in the room? Can you list all of them? Some of them might only be seen in some of the previous comics too.

Apparently I use 90's cell phones.

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Delicious Mistakes
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:43:45 AM »
Assessing the damage X may have done.
Yeah, could be much worse.
... Did I jinx it?

Megs is all like "‪#‎worth‬"


Welcome to the new TUC website! It's DOT COM! :D Thanks to Overmind, we've upgraded to new forums, a new URL and we're currently in the process of converting the old Flash movies into Youtube videos.

Go ahead and share the new URL around -- show your friends, and I can finally say -- new user creation has been re-enabled! :D

(Kind of a special note to Seraya -- we didn't delete your posts from the last few weeks. The databases for the new and old forums are seperate, and we've been getting this site ready in secret for a bit. Feel free to re-post any comments!)

And another shot at Ayasu.
At this point when I was writing it, I thought 'maybe I'm abusing of taking shots at Ayasu'.
So I thought I'd smooth things down a bit with the bottom comments. That's something that 8-Bit Theater did profusely, but I have yet to master that art of writing.
Although I do want to make more use of backgrounds, sometimes they are simply too distracting. So we'll see when it's the best to use them.

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Nerds!
« on: February 13, 2016, 12:36:15 AM »
That font again. Of course Ayasu is about as big of a nerd as Megaman is.
Well I am too, but you know.

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Danger Zone
« on: February 08, 2016, 08:18:59 PM »
Blaming the obvious party is also a staple of TUC. Except when there's two potential target, this time they guessed wrong.

And Zero's HUD is going like this :

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Mind Power
« on: February 05, 2016, 11:59:16 PM »
Authors taking potshots at each other is a staple of TUC, isn't it?

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The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Payback?
« on: February 03, 2016, 01:02:59 AM »
If I had semi-cosmic quasi-phenomenal powers that could shape the world around me, and suddenly they wouldn't work, I'd probably be stretching my arms and contorting my whole body like Ayasu does here. Which also amuses me in this comic. I'm easily amused I guess.

It's actually kind of amusing, that the punchline of this one is almost exactly the same as the Writer's Block strip that Tunod made(that was a riff of the one that *I* made for TOC ages ago). lol

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Heaven
« on: February 03, 2016, 12:50:12 AM »
Megaman's face is borrowed from Rick O'Shay's subcomic from B&G. Probably my biggest inspiration for making my own strips back in the day. He even was a part of my comic and I had him check it out to see if I was off track or not. I think he simply enjoyed the attention.

That face still makes me giggle when I see it. Our Megageek here surely found his heaven.

The font here is also something Rick used to denote... well... weird speech states, like flowery/happy ones. Although it's not the exact same font, but close enough to convey the feeling behind it.

PS : Did anyone notice that the comics were not numbered correctly? If you did, put it in the comment and we'll send you a prize of complimentary nothing, as noone told us.
PPS : There's the C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.

Not even gonna lie, Cel's been doing a shockingly good job! Also, for those interested in being in the know, we're currently prepping and planning a move over to new forums. In order to do this, I have to take a lot of the old Flash movies and re-record them to post them on YouTube. The other night, I finished up TUC#100, which I think a lot of you might still enjoy. SO, I'm gonna go ahead and embed it here. :) Enjoy!

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Freak Out
« on: January 31, 2016, 11:24:54 PM »
If anything, I'm not very good with titles. It's part of the whole 'being french' thing. I have an extra layer to work with than most as a result, and my brain isn't wired the same when it comes to pun or pop culture. That's why Ayasu proof-reads me, as often what I write makes sense, but could be worded better. I never had troubles getting understood, but being functional/fluent is not the same as being native.
I'm Canadian, not American!
That said, Ayasu didn't need to correct anything *yet* in Monday's and today's strips.
Taking bets on when the C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER will happen..

What is this background nonsense?

The Unoriginal Comic / The Author's New Groove - Sticky Fingers
« on: January 31, 2016, 11:19:14 PM »
And the long awaited (???) first story arc of the reboot.
Seriously, made a bunch of strips this weekend, all on my own (with Ayasu as proof-reader).
These are my real first tests as far seeing if I'm in the spirit of the comic. Because long ago, we're talking like 2001-2002 here, I made some subcomics for Bob & George (like every other dummy with a computer back then). Yeah, it was kinda crappy, but I still look at my strips fondly. Maybe I'll link you guys one day.
Point is, the characters were different, as being a subcomic meant I also followed roughly what B&G established (Megaman is an idiot, Ran dies...)
Maybe I just wasn't original, or I thought that B&G was doing it right and I'd follow up to it. Who knows. TUC is different, so let's embrace that.

The TUC vs B&G comparison is something that I've actually discussed with Cel in length -- anyone who's read both comics might see some similarities, sure, but I'd like to think that the character archetypes for the Megaman cast in this comic differers from Bob & George a lot.

When I co-authored with Tunod, it was very important we differentiate ourselves from the slew of other comics of the time.

I'd like to think that these characters have stayed likeable, how we've written them. :)

The Unoriginal Comic / Be careful what you ask for
« on: January 23, 2016, 09:44:14 PM »
Please note that currently, new user registration has been disabled until Overmind can help us get the forums updated. Sorry for the  inconvenience!

Tunod specifically told me to mention that he had no part in making this comic, despite what it looks like.

Yes, it's all my doing. It was too good to pass up though.

Seriously, though -- this is right down Tunod's alley on humor.

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