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January 07, 2023, 02:47:34 AM Seraya says: TUC IN TWENTY TWENTY THREE

March 26, 2017, 07:32:55 AM Senretsu says: I am sofa king wee todd ed

February 15, 2017, 08:10:20 PM Seraya says: One of us! One of us! We accept you, we accept you!

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Messages - Ayasu

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 46
General Discussion / Re: My new awsome south park pic
« on: October 20, 2006, 04:53:23 PM »
You could just turn on the avatar restrict size option in the server options.  Will auto-resize any that is too large, at the cost of a little processing, no big deal here.

But it's more fun to mess with stupid people and make their avatar into weird things.

General Discussion / Re: A cheat code that might just work
« on: October 20, 2006, 04:01:59 PM »
Hyper, I see you're using an FFXI icon(yes I know it's VGCats. >.>)

Do you play? o.O

General Discussion / Re: A cheat code that might just work
« on: October 20, 2006, 02:58:04 PM »
I read that as "You aren't supposed to put subligars up your nose."


General Discussion / Re: My new awsome south park pic
« on: October 20, 2006, 02:55:03 PM »
I'll do it for him.

*flexes Admin powers*

And what happens when you put in an avatar that's OMGHuge?

I change your avatar to Brittany Spears. X3

General Discussion / Re: Updating Site
« on: October 20, 2006, 02:54:33 PM »
For some reason, clicking the "Unread" link at the top doesn't show "unread" posts anymore.

General Discussion / Re: Mercenary Legends
« on: October 18, 2006, 04:39:23 PM »
You can generate a report of people in a usergroup.  Good to do so you can see who is in it and if anyone is missing.

Eh, I've just been watching for people as they sign up. There's not a terribly huge influx of members, so it's anot a problem.

General Discussion / Re: Mercenary Legends
« on: October 17, 2006, 12:01:45 AM »
Where's the section for our Merc Legends LS, Aya :D?

Had to add people to the usergroup. You should see it now.

Let me know if there are any permission problems.

General Discussion / Re: Hey guys! Look!
« on: October 16, 2006, 12:28:42 AM »
Sush Tunod! They're not supposed to know that.

But everyone knows monkeys are purple. *sage nod*

General Discussion / Re: A cheat code that might just work
« on: October 13, 2006, 01:39:52 AM »
Tunod's Thread Necromancy skill goes up 0.1 points.

By now you're prolly already WTF'd over the preloader. GO GO INSOMNIA! >.>

These flashes are getting /really/ fun to make. it's kind of a challenge to see what I can do with the sprite library and limited flash skills I have. Gotta say, so far so good. lol When I'm finished with this, I'll be compiling this entire thing into one flash movie, and posting it up.

FFXI-wise, we did another Dynamis-Xarcabard run tonite. It was garbage. We wiped 3 seperate times, only got one piece of relic, and one 100-piece of ancient currency. I'm... not thrilled with what happened tonite, either. My poor LS-mates on Ventrilo had to deal with me ranting. -.-; Yeah, I was totally /not/ a happy gamer.

AFEST is coming up quick. I still need to reserve a room(or get back to Tom about crash space). If only certain people who are going with me would let me know what's going on. <.< >.>

As promised, here's the first part of the PMvsPi fight. Hope you all enjoy.

Another slow weekend, so and I spent most of it sleeping and waching anime. :3

Nothing much happened on FFXI. I wasn't in-game most of the weekend.

And, for anyone who cares. I've taken MMORadio out of the banner rotation.

And now... I'm going to bed!

Oh. And post on the forums more! Damn lurkers. D:

The Unoriginal Comic / Megaman Unoriginal: Confidence
« on: August 09, 2006, 03:36:49 AM »
Pi arc's running longer than I thought, but I figured out exactly how to end it.

Holy crap, a Wednesday update! Yes, the /can/ happen! And will continue to happen, so long as the writer's block stays away.

Not much to say today. FFXI news, I did my first Dynamis as a White Mage last night. That was kinda fun. Not gonna make a habit of it, but I may go to help out once in a while. Other than that, this evening, I have an in-game wedding to attend. And then, later this month, I have another one to go to, that I'm chaparoning for. That should be interesting. It's gonna be an event night for my linkshell on that one. Got a bunch of things planned. Should be alot of fun.

AnimeFEST next month... oi, planning for this con snuck up on me! Hopefully I get it done in time... Kind of a late birthday present to myself, since my birthday is on the 19th. Hehe.

The Unoriginal Comic / Megaman Unoriginal: Protoman To The Rescue?
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:56:39 AM »
Whoo, what a weekend.

No, not really, all I did was play FFXI at my friends' house. Also why the comic is late a little. I didn't take my computer over there, I just used theirs, which makes mine look like so much crap. T~T Anywho~...

As a side note, I hate how Megs's sprite looks in the 2nd panel. Couldn't get the angle to work with me.

New month, new donation gift! This month's donation gift is a Final Fantasy XI Wallpaper that I made. Donate $5 or more to get it! If enough people donate this month, I *may* have something special for the 3 highest donators! What could it be? A sprite sheet? Comic cameo? Flash movie? Find out and see!

Also, I'm taking Banner ads again this month.

It's getting close to AnimeFEST time again, and once again, I'll be going and working A/V staff. Fourth year running, too! Should be alot of fun. If anyone is in the Dallas area and plans to go, let me know, and I'll see what we can do about aranging a meet up at the con. Get together, hang out, maybe play some Smash Bros. Melee or something. :3

Other than that, not much going on in my life. Got my White Mage to level 70 on FFXI. Two of my /really/ good friends have quit this month. Even though I don't think they read, I want to extend a special thanks to Wekya and Taber of Phoenix server. Without these two, I would never have seen 75Monk as fast as I did, among other things. These two have been there for me in-game and have always jumped to help me when I needed it, though I couldn't always return the favor. My FFXI experience wouldn't have been the same without knowing the two of you. Thank you. Wekya and Tab key. ^^

Yes, this was the plan from the beginning. No, I didn't work ahead during the downtime.

Not alot to say. I'm feeling sick. u.u Late update today, obviously. Have things to say. Don't feel like sayin'em. u.u;

See you guys Monday.

« on: July 14, 2006, 05:14:50 PM »
It's a fucking RMT site. ::deletes account and bans IP/Email/etc::

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