The Unoriginal Comic
General Category => Gaming => Topic started by: Bramendor on April 01, 2006, 04:31:29 AM
Hey Just wanted to know how many people here fell in love with WoW and are now lifeless MC raiders :D
What side do you play and whats your top levels? I guess I will start.
30 Paladin (Highest)((pve))
60 resto druid (pve)
60 enhancement shaman (pve)
60 Disc/holy Priest (rppvp) ((Formerly a shadow priest for the melting of faces))
42 um Stabby stab rogue (rppvp)
As you can see I am hordie. Nothing against alliance at all just my rl friends choose horde. I talk with Ayasu about playing a Paladin all the time though lol. I love RP servers. Although I dont RP much. (Odd I know) And pvp servers make rping much more fun cause the opposite faction are kill on sight which sorta adds to the rp. Which means my fav servers are rppvp.
I am a former FFXI player and had a 60 rdm. I joke when I play wow about haveing 4 level 60s. A druid, shaman, priest and redmage. If they go "Huh" I know they have not played FFXI before lol. ;D
Just wanted to know what everyones thought about cocai- er WoW
I just recently picked it up. Dropped Matrix Online because... eh. I won't go into it. But yeah. My only char right now is a Night Elf Hunter, level 10, on Earthen Ring. RP server. I just got my first Hunter pet today. :D
I just recently picked it up. Dropped Matrix Online because...Anything Matrix related except for the first movie sucks!
Good to see you've finally come around ;D
...on Earthen Ring. RP server.
That's all I have to say about RP servers.
Grats on getting your first pet!
I just recently picked it up. Dropped Matrix Online because...Anything Matrix related except for the first movie sucks!
Good to see you've finally come around ;D
Zamza I will cut you. I will cut you SO MUCH.
Meh, I had a good run. ;D
[necro] lolWoW
Stockyboy's Thread Necromancy Skill raises by .5 points.
Stockyboy's Thread Necromancy Skill raises by .5 points.
My job here is done.