Forum > The Unoriginal Comic

8-Panel Special: Cool Anime Poses



Ah, the Cool Anime Poses joke. Based on a joke done for The OTHER Comic - a particular joke which Cyber actually made while spending a weekend at my place. I sat there and watched him do it, and that's a lot of what inspired me to start screwing around with my own spriting. This also debuts my own personal version of Mega Man - In various comics I've read, he's been a dumbstick (more often than not, thanks to people who just HAVE to be like Bob and George), a dramatic and effective hero, a jerk... why not an *over*-dramatic otaku who obsesses over anime that features heroes as cool as him and tries to emulate their style and flair in his adventures?

I think if I redid this comic, I'd take out some of the X-talking stuff.

I remember when he made this one, too. I laughed. Yeah, sure, it was taking the joke from the 2nd-to-last comic I ever made for TOC, but it was funny 'cause I'd never seen Megaman potrayed this way. Ah, memories~...


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