Forum > Gaming

Dirge of Cerberus/Devil May Cry 4

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--- Quote from: HowManyCookies on October 24, 2006, 01:35:55 PM ---Is it just me, or does Kuro seem more impresionable and naive than most?

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It's just you. I'm not impresionable and naive I just have the illution that I am.


--- Quote from: Kuro_Ookami on October 24, 2006, 04:57:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: HowManyCookies on October 24, 2006, 01:35:55 PM ---Is it just me, or does Kuro seem more impresionable and naive than most?

--- End quote ---

It's just you. I'm not impresionable and naive I just have the illution that I am.

--- End quote ---
And the spelling, grammer, and logic of a 2 year old. Or a rock. Whichever has less.

Tunod Denrub:
See, if he was impressionable, he'd be picking up grammar from us. >.> <.<

Just means we have to throw the grammer at him harder. Must be bouncing off his head or something.

Uh guys I found this grammar smacking against my cranium does it happen to be yours?


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