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January 07, 2023, 02:47:34 AM Seraya says: TUC IN TWENTY TWENTY THREE

March 26, 2017, 07:32:55 AM Senretsu says: I am sofa king wee todd ed

February 15, 2017, 08:10:20 PM Seraya says: One of us! One of us! We accept you, we accept you!

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Author Topic: PWP - MMZCSX-3079  (Read 4299 times)


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« on: August 19, 2018, 11:43:06 PM »

I've looked at just about every page on his website and I still can't tell for sure what that comic name is supposed to be beyond letters and random numbers. That gives you a good indication already.

So let's get to it. *takes a shot*

First strip, looks decent... except for the humor.

It starts well enough honestly. It looks like some effort was put into it at this point, there's a background, the text bubbles were there, although they seemed to not quite have the right size, I've seen worse. The background's size is wrong though, but it could just be perspective... Let's go with that.

He didn't make the mouth moves, but again that's not the biggest worry, sometimes it's just what you want.

But was this supposed to be funny? At least he didn't open up with a 'Hi, this is a megaman comic, please like me', and it seems like he tried to make a 8 robot master story. Okay, let's see where this goes.

A random encounter.

A mettool from the Megaman.Exe series, different bittage here. Hrm. Okay.

Still not funny either. *takes another shot*

I'm not even gonna bother pointing every single spelling error in here, I could make another episode on these alone.

Eye of the Tiger, huh?

Okay, so that's what you're trying to do, right? It's funny because you're using music lyrics. That's two strips in a row, so that must be your thing, right?

C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER That didn't last long.

Maybe he should have stuck to song lyrics, maybe that would have been more interesting. Nevermind that he just beat up two Megaman recolors with barely any effort, story, humor or ANYTHING AT ALL. And 2 bad guys in 2 strips, and only one gun shot.

And what's with the sound effects? I mean, they are accurate, but you couldn't, like, just use a different font rather than near impossible to read hand-written text with a mouse? You are using paint to make this, USE IT FULLY!

And no consistency either with the 'power up' screens. Two powers, two different games, and couldn't even properly scale it so it's squished vertically. And I can't be sure of what he's shooting down there either, it could be burrito, hot dogs, or shit shaped like burritos. But don't worry, he won't elaborate on this any further, so you can forget it as soon as you're done reading this strip.

Why do I do this to myself?

Wall Monster? Well at least it's not a Megaman recolor.

Then the author stops trying entirely from the looks of it. If this is funny, it's a humor that I don't understand. Is it because Wily's monsters can be beaten by the smaller inoffensive thing? Why snow? Someone wants to try to explain? Not to mention that he shot the ceiling with invisible bullets BEFORE he learned of the weak point? AUGH!

*takes another shot*

You ever heard about... you know... not posting anything?

Was he following a strict schedule at gunpoint or something? Why even bother with this?

*looks at the bottle* I'm not sure I'm going to have enough of this for this comic to start being funny.

Still no idea what to do, but that didn't stop him before!

*shakes head*
*takes a shot* Still not funny.

And that was the end of it.

Wait, what? What about the robot masters, or even the fight with Dr. Wily? Did Megaman just turn back and pretend? There was potential at first, nevermind the actual bad guys he beat up, but now he just stops everything completely without proper closure.

This isn't humor, this is mental torture.

Why is Wily on the side of the strip anyway? *takes another shot*

And I'm not kidding, that's the end of it. In the following strips he gets arrested by another Megaman recolor that he says is a police officer, gets thrown into jail and then broken out by a 32-bit Zero that starts to cry because he had the wrong one again.  I would care if there was some context to this, it feels like there's an inside joke that someone forgot to tell us before we started.

I was dead, and then I didn't feel like it anymore.

See, in one sentence I made this comic more funny. If you're going to do this, do it Monthy Python style or something at least.

Oh great, self-depreciating AND fart jokes.

At this point the author (or athor?) judged that 'yeah, this is crap'. Regardless of the rule breaking here, I would have ignored it if it meant that this comic got better.

Does it? Of course not.

Again, I'm missing the context here.

And then it gets even better! I'm not sure if there was a problem on his side, maybe he lost the strips or something, but that'd be too much work to explain it to us.

Instead, the archives move from 20 to 49. Just in time to celebrate the 50th strip!

B&G Referencing, no lip movement, bad spelling...
And Your Favorite Author, hah!

I'd link to the 50th Strip, but... no, go see it for yourself. It's not eye gouging, but it's entirely pointless filler with more random sentences that are disconnected from everything we've seen up to now.

But... isn't that what you've been doing up to now?

The 7 next strips are not just 'nonsense'. It's not comics at all. Here, take a look.


This is pretty much the whole week, but change the sprites of whatever is chasing them. Fish Army, Evil Nurses, giant robots... this isn't nonsense, Megaman Sprite Comic was nonsense. This is a brain tumor.

Who's Ringi? Ya know what, nevermind, don't wanna know anymore.


Now TUC does in random, nonsensical too, Monkeys are Purple after all, but this is going beyond it. This is a kid that found the transparency option in Photoshop and faded a picture of fire at 90% so you can barely see characters behind. Not funny, at all.

This would almost be funny, if it was funny at all.

Because Zero Wings references are hilarious, right? Add it to 'Hey guys, I just made our characters in 8-bit, look at this', and then forget that your background is in 16 bit. Hilarious.

Between Comic 65 and 70 he attempted to make some sort of story again. I can't even tell you what's going on, it's mostly Megaman.Exe trying to shoot the crap of the author while he's behind a shield and asking 'are we done yet?' only to pull out a bigger gun the next strip.

71's picture is missing, god knows what happened to it, but it may be the funniest of the entire archive. That broken image picture beats everything else I read here.

72, 73 and 74 are the same picture. My guess is that he made the HTML pages and forgot to change the URL of the picture, or maybe it's just placeholder. I'm not going to lose sleep over this conundrum though.

The rest of the archives seem to be side stories with different characters or background, like Megaman X and Zero. Because one story wasn't enough to contain all of his ideas, obviously, he had to make more comics.

That works only if the ideas of the first comic were good to start with, instead he's spreading the 3 brain cells he has left unto different 4 or 5 storylines.

I tried guys, but I finished this whole bottle and I haven't found any of these funny. Not even a smirk or a chuckle, just the feeling I wasted my time looking for it. Maybe I should have left the suck come to me instead of looking for it, maybe then it'd be funny.

Edit, 3 days later, finally sobered from writing this.

I finally laughed reading this. Laughed at how stupid the whole thing is. The dial got spun so far into crap that it accidentally fell back into awesome for a very brief moment.

No, it doesn't mean you should read it, I think it just means that I lost my mind. This is still unfunny crap.
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