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Author Topic: PWP - Megaman Sprite Comic  (Read 4346 times)


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PWP - Megaman Sprite Comic
« on: August 14, 2018, 08:05:51 PM »

Yes. That's the title.

This is seriously messed up. I can't tell if it's good or bad because I think it's PURPOSELY made to be bad, like it's trying to make fun of sprite comics.

Halloween at its best. That's Megaman and Dr. Light by the way.

And honestly, it doesn't that adequately. The cast is a bunch of random crazy people living in a nuthouse cosplaying as Megaman characters. At least, that's what it seems like, and that might even be the intention behind it. To its credit, it also uses no copyright art. Yes, the sprite art is terrible, but that's obviously on purpose. And for how long this has been running, it must be doing something right.

The more I read about it, the more it reminds me of Cyanide and Happiness. It doesn't need to make sense to be amusing, it just says random crap with a barely existing continuity. If that's your kind of humor I guess it works. And If I dig enough I'm sure I'll find a few strips that make me laugh because they are so simple.

It's not even TRYING to deny it.

I have a hard time figuring out if it broke the rules or not, because I think it's all intentional. It's not self pity here, it's simple observation. This guy produces crap KNOWINGLY because there are people ENJOYING it. And I think the author is also surprised as to why people are liking it.

If a cook prepares poop for people to eat, it's not necessarily because he likes cooking poop. It may be because people asked him to do it. I know, it boggles my mind, but it seems that's what is going on here. He's the chef, and people actually like the poop he cooks.

If it hadn't been running for so long I'd immediately dismiss this comic on the humor alone. The art, while original, is barely more than copy-pasted from ones trip to another.

So art, much humor, wow.

I'm not sure I can stand going through the rest of the archives at this rate. This was made on Tumblr, with about 5 posts per page. Most of the pages are filled with 3-4 reblogging (re-tumbling?) from the past, to remind people that he made a sprite game, or because it's a holiday and he hasn't made a new strip for it so he just repost the older one.

To each their own, I'm not touching this one again. If you read through it and wanna comment below, feel free.
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